Do you have a location for us to investigate?
Do you have a house or location that you own and would like us to do a paranormal investigation. We are available for that and will go to your location and investigate for you. This may put your mind at ease as to whether or not there is anything to be scared of or worried about. Just let us know and we are available. Just click on the link below and send us an email with your questions and I will answer all of them for you.
Watch our investions on our youtube channel click links
fox tower cemetery
Thermal Image of cemetery
Fox Tower Cemetery has gone by a few names. Fox Hill, Fox Tower, Hudson Cemetery. It is said to be one of the most haunted cemeteries in Michigan. During the investigation, it was as if someone or something was trying to make me leave and preventing any spirits from communicating with me. I was touched by something that left fingerprints on my stomach around my waist. Many children are buried here and it is said that a young girl in white can be seen walking at night. There is one section of the cemetery with an old fence around it, and I found that interesting. It was near here that I felt a temperature change and was touched. Watch the video. It is very interesting…
It is difficult to see in the photo the fingerprints, but I was touched around my waist area while doing this investigation. Almost as if something was pulling at me to leave.
Mount Vernon Ghost Town and cemetery
I have received a lot of phots and questions about Mt Vernon Cemetery. Most of the photos I have debunked as lens flair on the camera etc. There does seem to be a lot of activity there however. Within the next week or so I am going to go to the cemetery and scout it out for an investigation using our professional equipment to see just what is going on there. Mt Vernon was actually a fully functional town in the 1800s until a smallpox epidemic hit it. Many died from the smallpox and are buried in the cemetery. Today, the cemetery and a church is all that is left of the town. Pictures and video will be added soon. FIRST INVESTIGATION IS DONE. IT IS WELL WORTH GOING BACK TO FOR FURTHER INVESTIGATION. CLICK THE VIDEO BUTTON BELOW TO WATCH PART 1.
Video of 1st investigation to Mt Vernon Cemetery
Forest Hills Cemetery
Evart, Michigan
Forest Hills Cemetery is located in Evart, Michigan. Evart was once a booming logging town in its earlier days. Nearly a century ago, the Pere Marquette Railroad decided to build along the river near Evart in order to move the lumber out. Many Irish and Italian immagrents worked on the railroad laying track. In an unexpected event, the camp cook along with his son died one unfortunate night. Today the cemetery is said to be haunted. Watch the video for the details.
CLICK…Forest Hills Cemetery Daytime Investigation Video
Upcoming Site investigation Schedule
We have planned several locations to investigate. Forest HIll Cemetery, Historic Elmwood Cemetery/Bloody Run Creek, The Whitney Mansion, Old Eloise Mental Hospital, and several others. Check back for the dates and the videos of these investigations.